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In today’s world Digitisation is the way of life. All business needs to embrace Digitisation for growth. Information Technology and Automation plays a major role.CIO is now equally important as any other business head and a key player in growth strategy. With this in mind and with experience of managing IT Management & Governance for past 20+ years we have launched Virtual CIO Service. The objective is two fold if any organisation does not have a CIO we can act as a Virtual CIO and provide Services for full stack. And if an Organisation has a matured IT department we can provide cost effective IT Back office services . Both type of Services are included in a table below
CIO as a Service
- IT Project Management
- IT Procurement Management
- IT Strategic OutSourcing
- Digitisation Support using new technology
- IT Security Implementation
- Software Compliance Support
- IT Audit & Assurance Support
- IT Facility Management Support
- Manufacturing Execution System
- IIOT and Automation Support
- IT Infrastructure management
- Development of new IT Infrastructure for new organisations
Our Organisation has access to many other similar minded Ex CIOs and all of us are committed to improve IT Utilisation in Indian Industry. We take up all or any of the services listed above and ensure that the IT Investment is maximum utilised.
Some of the key projects we have done since inception are as follows:
- Managing IT Procurement for a large conglomerate
- Design ,Develop,Project Manage and BoT service for a IoT based Water Management Solution for a Maharashtra Govt initiative to improve lives of farmers in drought affected districts.
- Selection and recruitment of CIO for a large Cement Plant
- Assist a BPO business in their journey of PCI/DSS compliance
- Cyber Security Training for a large no. of School Children
- Roll out of SAP for a Life Science Business for their Thailand,Myanmar,Japan and Eu Manufacturing activities. All of them were On site opportunities where we have Rolled out OTC,PTP,RTR and PTS cycle.
CIO Assistance Service:
Our Organisation has well connected young dynamic knowledge workers who can work efficiently and provide back office support for all IT work and can be handy to CIO . As we free his time he can concentrate on bigger projects/initiatives.Some of the services we have catered in past 5 years are:
- Writing Procedures Policies
- Assisting Interview of Candidates and selection
- IT Procurement back-end work:
- Benchmark study of product
- Specs development
- Technical evaluation
- Commercial evaluation
- License Audit and help license under control
- IT Vendors Account payable work
- Training to end users post Go Live etc
- Assessment of Plant readiness for digitization
- Assisting in MIS generation
- Assessment of utilization of SAP/Oracle
- IT Security Background job
Kindly connect with us for a better understanding