Month: November 2018

why Training is essential in every part of a project execution

pics:  : KM training stangarfield   Training or imparting necessary information is always a critical component of Projects. the training in a project environment has generally these components: a. identify the need of specific area of training b. identify the appropriate audience c.device a solid methodology of imparting training to ensure effectiveness When […]


that’sIT : why special

over a considerable period of time Indian industry in general and manufacturing industry of which I am also a member have faced lot of business challenges for not embracing IT & Automation. I am quite appalled that the issue pertaining to Sales,Production,Finance,Logisitcs etc have been persistent for quite some time as promoters or owners have […]


the Objectives of that’sIT

over some past 30 years of my association with industry I have seen that there is lot of misconception and myth around usage of technology and use the same for benefit of business. This site I have created  for clearing many of the doubts of user community and simplifying IT & Automation usages so that […]